Posts tagged Coaching Services
the art of living a soulful life

Music is the sonic pathway to spirituality and soulfulness. Soul music originates down in your roots and reverberates outward with a feeling of intensity, earthiness and authenticity. Any music can be soul music if it expresses your true essence and comes from the core of your being. This Ruumet (1997) describes as “finding your own voice” and explains it when we “create our personal soul expression in the world as a conscious act of the divine (p.17).” It’s the song from your heart that touches the heavens. If we listen to and follow our soul’s music, it will lead the way to a spiritual life.  

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what is kaleidoscope theory?

It came to me in a dream. The colorful shaft of a word broke out of the sleepy darkness…Kaleidoscope. The Greek word kaleidoscope has many definitions, such as the two found in Merriam-Webster’s (2019) online dictionary: “an instrument containing loose bits of colored material (such as glass or plastic) between two flat plates and two plane mirrors so placed that changes of position of the bits of material are reflected in an endless variety of patterns.” Kaleidoscope is also used to describe “a changing pattern or scene, a succession of changing phases or actions, and a diverse collection” (Merriam-Webster, 2019). Just like a kaleidoscope, links, connections, and patterns began to shift and emerge. I developed and experimented with a process I termed kaleidoscope theory, a model of transformational development.

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self-reflection through indoor cycling

How can indoor cycling be a way of knowing? Indoor cycling literally gets the wheels turning. It gets your body and mind moving in a cyclical and rhythmic fashion, which can induce a highly meditative or productive state...

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