coaching code of ethics



My personal code of ethics


My personal code ethics is inspired by a talk by Dr. Brene Brown called the Anatomy of Trust (Super Soul Sunday Podcast, April 2019). I believe the coaching relationship, and the ethics relating to it, all stem from a core ethic of trust. The definition of trust is a “firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something” (Miriam Webster, Online dictionary, retrieved April 29, 2019).

Brown creates an acronym, called B.R.A.V.I.N.G., to explain the components necessary to have a foundation of trust. I am using this as my format of organization along with my personal philosophy and guidelines from the ICF Code Of Ethics.


B.oundaries- Setting clear boundaries.

  • Having a clear and defined coaching agreement that includes the roles, responsibilities and rights of each party.

  • Keeping the friend relationship and the coaching relationship separate. Not allowing romantic intimacy in the working relationship.

  • Being conscious of and openly disclosing any conflicting interests.

R.eliability- Do what you say you are going to do, deliver what you commit to.

  • Be truthful about what I can deliver. If I feel I am unable to help the client or they would be better served in another way, refer them out.

  • Honor the reciprocal 24-hour cancellation policy.

A.ccountability- When I make a mistake, being willing to own it, apologize for it and make amends.

  • Use the clear communication model.

  • Having the client be accountable for themselves.

V.ault- What we share together will be held in the strictness confidence.

  • Keeping confidentiality with all parties involved.

I.ntegrity- I will act from a place from integrity and encourage you to do the same.

  • Choosing what’s right over what’s fun, fast or easy

  • Practicing my values, not just profession my values

  • Knowing with whom I work best in creating clients for my practice.

  • Continuing my own training and personal development.

N.on judgment- It is ok to be in struggle and be your authentic self

  • Greet the client where they are on their journey and be aware of my own journey.

  • Not allowing any of my personal issues or biases to impair coaching.

  • Ask for help when needed.

G.enerosity- believing the most generous things about words, intentions, and behaviors.

  • Seeing the “inner rock star” in my clients.

  • Always acting with the best of intentions and generosity of spirit.

“Braving” takes courage over comfort. The courage to be vulnerable, ask fearless questions and be honest with oneself. We need to be brave in order to grow.